Funny Feelings Podcast

Funny Feelings Podcast

Funny Feelings: Sexuality In Front Of The Camera

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Actress Emily Meade from the HBO show, The Deuce, speaks with Liza and Maria about how intimacy and sexuality has been a challenging issue in her life as an actress.
After she requested help and support for intimate scenes HBO provided a sensitivity coach who works as an expert when sexuality is involved on sets.
In Funny Feelings she talks about bravery but also the shame she felt while speaking up for herself and her fellow actors. After three seasons on The Deuce, Emily feels like her life changed for the better and she shares stories about dating, sex, and living in Brooklyn.


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About this podcast

Funny Feelings is a podcast about the unconventional world of holistic medicine in New York City. Funny Feelings is hosted by Maria Geyman, a millennial, Brooklyn-based, naturopathic doctor and Liza Roeckl, a spiritual healer who has been at the forefront of New York City’s holistic health movement since the 90s, interview healers, artists, and sparkly New Yorkers about their feelings. They try to understand their guests while navigating their own emotions and relationships to topics of sexuality, beauty, and health.

by Liza Roeckl, Maria Geyman, Matthias Roeckl


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